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What is Teflon

Tetraflon de Mexico

Characteristics of Teflon

Thermosetting polymer considered one of the most versatile among thermoplastic materials, as one of its main characteristics is its high resistance to high temperatures. It is considered one of the most stable thermoplastic materials since at 260°C it retains its properties without decomposing, since its thermal conductivity coefficient does not vary with temperature changes, making it an ideal insulator.
Tetraflon de Mexico


PTFE is resistant to most chemical agents and solvents, thanks to this it is widely used in construction and industry. It is attacked by alkaline metals, chlorine trifluoride and fluorine.
Resistant to atmospheric conditions and light since PTFE parts can be exposed for more than 20 years to extreme weather conditions without alterations in their properties.
Tetraflon de Mexico

Vitriflon® Premium

Vitriflon® Premium VTF-400 series is used in different applications such as banding, as a release agent, ideal for sealing plastic bags and for the food industry. The Standard series is an excellent cost-effective alternative to the Premium series.
Tetraflon de Mexico


The PTFE, due to its extraordinary non-stick properties, resistance to chemicals, extreme temperatures and the lowest coefficient of friction of any solid substancePTFE, due to its extraordinary non-stick properties, resistance to chemicals, extreme temperatures and for having the lowest coefficient of friction with respect to any solid substance, offers numerous applications in all types of industry, especially in the paper, chemical, oil, electrical, nuclear, metallurgical, pharmaceutical and food industries, among others.

Tetraflon de Mexico


Dr. Roy J. Plunkett, who worked with Freon-related refrigerant gases, discovered that a sample he left overnight in a cylinder spontaneously polymerized into a white, wax-like solid substance.

Tetraflon de Mexico

1939 - 1947

Other methods were developed by compression molding at room temperature and then sintering the resin into parts such as bars and tubes that could later be machined into the desired parts, then developed the resin dispersed in water, which could be applied in fiberglass fabrics, making a coating of Polytetrafluoroethinene (PTFE).

Tetraflon de Mexico


DuPont began to sell PTFE in the market, and the first companies began to emerge that marketed this polymer, which today we process in our Toluca plant and commercialize.